Let's take a look at the differences between CBS' Big Brother Season 1 versus Season 2. We voted Season 2 as the best of the two. There was one houseguest who contributed to our decision and that is Will. He is a very interesting and unique character. Demeanor & Intellect: Classy & Educated Houseguest: The houseguests on Season 1 acted super classy, for the most part. They were all very articulate and most held college degrees. A college degree in 2000 most likely carried a different weight than it does now. Today we have tons of sources online in which we can self-educate. Wild & Average Houseguest: The houseguests on Season 2 acted very wild (Amber jumping in the bed with Hardy on the first night; Nicole flirting with all the guys; and taking her top off in front of Kent; and the list goes on...) and their intellect level was average, except for Will. Head of Household Intensity No HOH: There wasn't any Head of Household contests on Season 1. They only completed tasks as a group for the food budget. 1st HOH Introduced: Season 2 introduced the first Head of Household contests by having one of the guest spin the wheel and name the houseguest who was a match to the label, for example, the "most talkative"... The later contests were more challenging. Jury. Audience decided who was the winner and who was banished on Season 1. Houseguest nominated, and if there was a 4-way tie, then those 4 houseguest were up for banishment! All evicted houseguests decided who was the winner on Season 2, and the two finalists were able to eliminate one vote. The evicted houseguests were not sequestered, so they could watch the show before deciding the winner. The current houseguests voted out the person evicted. Pets. Season 1 had chickens. They also had a garden. Season 2 had a dog. No Veto for either season. Laundry. Both seasons had to use an old-fashioned ringer type of washer to wash clothes. Smoking. Smoking was allowed on both seasons (years were 2000 and 2001). Please share with us which season you prefer. You may use the comment section below or contact us. Thanks for the correction Aeryn! "It’s not a huge deal but you’re mistaken about the pets. During Season 1 they had chickens AND a dog (a pug named Chiquita). While in Season 2, they got a potbelly pig named Ophelia (but only for 1 week)."
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@CBSBigBrother Big Brother Season 2 winner was Will Kirby. He actually coined the phrase "showmance". Dr. Will Kirby is a Dermatologist. Born in Italy. He is 46 years old now. He was the most interesting player on Season 2. He was upfront and honest with everyone when he stated his intentions in playing the game in a ruthless manner. He would state exactly what he planned to do and the reason why he was there. Even after sharing this insight, he still wasn't a player that was targeted by other houseguests! He displayed a great personality, and a great sense of humor. He was very down-to-earth to be a doctor. Yes, he absolutely earned the title Evil Doctor, because he would share his wicked thoughts. He was good at developing a strategy and getting others to play into his hands. So far, he is hands down the best player ever on Big Brother. Season 2 was filmed in 2001, and he was very comfortable showing his metro side. He likes to shave his entire body, and he also gave himself facials. Please don't be fooled by these words, because he showed that he is masculine. He also has a witness, Shannon! They dated for a short time after the show, but it didn't last. Of course he won the $500,000 prize. He is known as a very controversial player, and generally hosts the discussion with Big Brother jury (except for Season 22 because of COVID 19). He did appear on the last few episodes as a next door neighbor for the remaining guests. Will lives in Southern California, and he is a Dermatologist and an Associate Clinical Professor. He is married to Erin Brodie (For Love or Money two-time Champion), and they have two children, Cash and Scarlett. Yes, Cash :) Will is 44 years of age. #RealityWinner We recently reported on Seasons 1 through 6, therefore, the updates included in the individual seasons themselves are recent. If you are interested in learning more about each individual houseguest from this All Stars season, click on their name. By the way, Big Brother is based upon a Netherlands series with the same name. It's very interesting how we have developed reality tv shows by benchmarking other countries and vice-versa. When you have a chance, check out other series in other countries. Consequently, including past houseguests during this season, made it a very hot season to watch! It included the likes of Kaysar Ridha, Janelle Pierzina, Howie Gordon, Will Kirby, and Mike "Boogie" Malin to name a few. I have three all-time favorites from Big Brother history, and Janelle is one of them. If you haven't checked out this season, it is worth it! Mike "Boogie" Malin won this season. Unfortunately, Mike's reputation has taken a turn for the worst since the airing of the show. In 2007, he was allegedly arrested for allegedly assaulting a waitress at a sports bar in Denver. Tabloids have also indicated that there has been issues with alleged embezzling money and gambling away hundred of thousands of dollars and using it to pay for gay sex, travel and other stuff. As of 2018, it has been reported that he is allegedly in the hole for $800,000. Mike founded and operated The Dolce Group, a restaurant management group in Los Angeles. If you remember Season 2, he proposed to Krista Stegall, another houseguest. Their relationship didn't pan out. It is also reported that he has a son. In conclusion, this season premiered in July of 2006, which is fourteen years ago! The recent updates that we provided during the contestant's original season is updated as of late 2019 through 2020. During the writing of this article, our country is facing the COVID-19 history. This pandemic appears to impact the airing of Big Brother for July 2020. If it does not air this year, it's a good time to take a walk down memory lane and remember what has occurred on previous seasons of Big Brother. #cbsbigbrother #afforci
I decided to kick my Blog off with a recap of what I have already covered via my former venue, Rewind Reality on Twitter. You will find Big Brother Season 1 and Season 2; and Married at First Sight Season 1 through Season 4. Check it out by clicking here.
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